5.2.4. Connection GUI-drive
Launch the executable Dx2020 GUI.
Refer to the pages on this in the
Online Help
guide for more information (see section “5.2.7. How to access the Online Help” for
details on how to access this)
To make the connection, supply the driver with 24 V of power and wait for three seconds until the display on the front panel lights
up and shows an alphanumeric digit (I, F, S, E).
Select the
command on the toolbar or via the
drop-down menu.
The status bar LED will turn green.
Wait for the GUI to connect to the drive and automatically upload the parameters.
In the event of anomalies during connection, refer to the “Trouble Shooting” chapter and follow the
The GUI can connect to the drive via the RS232 serial (X5 connector) or via EtherCAT (connerctors X8 - X9) or via CAN BUS
(connector X10) (see section "2.3.4. interfaces with "field" and the other modules for details on connectors).
From the Network menu. click on the Select to select the type of communication protocol.