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Via the
start position of the path program
the user determines which position series to run. In
principle, linear or cyclic series are possible.
The start position of a path program can be determined:
via fieldbus
via digital inputs
The number of positions in the corresponding positioning sequence is only limited by the number of
totally available positions. Every user-defined positioning set (0 to 255) can be used in the path
For further information, please refer to the Software Manual “Servo drives ARS 2000”.
5.3.7 Optional stop input
The optional stop input can interrupt the ongoing positioning by setting the selected digital input.
Resetting the digital input will resume positioning to the original target position.
5.3.8 Jogging mode and Teach-in mode
is the controlled driving of a drive to a specific position. The drive continues to move as long
as a certain input signal is active.
The ARS 2100 SE servo drive supports jogging in a positive and negative direction. You can define a
separate running speed and separate accelerations for every direction. In addition, you can assign one
input for jogging in a positive direction and one input for jogging in a negative direction. (Menu item in
the parameterisation program Metronix ServoCommander
: “Parameters / I/Os / Digital inputs”.
Teach-in mode
: The position approached via the jogging mode can be saved in a positioning set via
the parameterisation program Metronix ServoCommander
(Menu item: “Parameters / Positioning / Go
to destination”).
For further information, please refer to the Software Manual “Servo drives ARS 2000”.
Product Manual „Servo drives ARS 2100 SE“
Version 5.0