Pedal systems
Not all shoes are suited for cycling. Shoes
used for cycling should have a stiff sole
and provide a firm support for your feet. If
the soles are too soft, the pedals can press
through and cause foot pain. Moreover, soft
soles make for poor power transmission. The
sole should not be too broad near the heels,
as the rear stays will otherwise get in the way
of your pedalling. This will prevent your feet
from assuming a natural position and may
cause knee pain in the long run.
6. The pedals
If your bike is equipped with platform
pedals for competitive use, they are
sharp-edged for a better hold of the shoes.
There is the danger of hurting yourself, if
you slip off. Be sure to wear protective cloth-
6. Different systems – how they
work at a glance
For sporty biking the pedals recommended
most are those which provide a lock and
release mechanism for your shoe, also
referred to as clipless pedals. The firm connec-
tion between shoe and pedal prevents your
feet from slipping off when pedalling fast or
when riding over rough ground. Besides this,
it enables you not only to push but also to pull
on the pedals, which makes your pedalling
more fluent.
Clipless pedals come with a special type of
cycling shoe which locks onto the pedal. The
usual way to engage with the pedal, is to turn
it to the horizontal using the tip of the cleat
(the plate on the sole of the shoe) and then
rest your foot on it. Most mountain bike ped-
als are equipped with a double-sided lock-in
mechanism, so that you can step on the pedal
with either face up. The shoe engages with
the pedal with a click which you will hear and
feel clearly.
With all commercially available systems the
shoe is disengaged from the pedal by twisting
the heel outward.
Lean against a wall or ask someone to help
you steady yourself when you try to engage
and disengage the shoe from the pedal.
Taking up the pedals, engaging the
shoes and disengaging them by turn-
ing the heel outward should first be prac-
tised in standing. Later you can refine your
technique in a place clear of traffic.