The only possible and legal way of transport-
ing children by bike is in special child carriers
or trailers. The fastenings of child carriers are
usually designed for intermittent use so that
the carrier can be fastened to any bike that is
equipped with the necessary fittings.
. Child carriers
Make sure to only buy tested child carriers
(e.g. with DIN/GS-seals). Before use, it is
essential to fasten the child’s seat belt and to
make sure his/her feet are properly seated in
the shields.
. Taking children with you
Make sure the child you are taking
with you wears a helmet!
Child carriers have a strong influence on
the bike’s riding characteristics. The weight
of both carrier and child will make the bike
somewhat top-heavy and tend to give you a
wobbly ride. Practise getting on and riding
your bike with a child on it!
A critical moment is when you
have just placed the child in
the carrier, because this is
when the danger of the bike
toppling over is greatest. A
good way to obviate this dan-
ger is to use a two-legged kick
stand to keep the bike stable
in standing.
Do not overload your carrier and be sure to
observe the imprinted or engraved permis-
sible maximum load. Do not exceed the per-
missible overall load of the bike indicated in
chapter 3.
“Before your first ride”
Inform yourself in your country about
the regulations regarding child trans-
port, before taking your child with you. If in
doubt, ask your MERIDA dealer.
Cover the springs of your saddle so
that the child cannot get his/her
fingers pinched between them.
Children may only be transported in
special child carriers that provide suf-
ficient protection for their feet. In Germany
e.g. the child to be transported must not be
older than 7 and the rider not younger than
16 years old. Please inform yourself about
the regulations in your country!
Not all types of frames, in particu-
lar lightweight frames, are suitable for
mounting a child carrier with special fittings.
The table given in chapter 27.
and equipping a MERIDA frame”
and chap-
ter 28.
“Special characteristics of carbon”
will help you. Ask your MERIDA dealer how
to mount the carrier.