8. Adjusting the bike to the rider
8. Adjusting the height of the
The height of the handlebar determines the incli-
nation of the upper body. Lowering the handle-
bars gives the rider a streamlined position and
brings more weight to bear on the front wheel.
However, it also entails an extremely forward
leaning posture which is tiring and less com-
fortable because it increases the strain on your
wrists, arms, upper body and neck.
Handlebars with conventional stems only
allow limited adjustment of height by moving
the stem up or down inside the fork tube.
To change the height of handlebars with an
adjustable stem, all you have to do is loosen
and retighten a few bolts. In the case of the
threadless system, the so-called Aheadset sys-
tem, the stem is part of the headset. Adjusting
the height of this type of stem is more difficult,
because it means dismantling and reassem-
bling the stem.
The stem is one of the load bearing
parts of your bike and changes to it
can impair your safety. If you are not sure
about how to adjust the stem, your MERIDA
dealer will be pleased to help you.
8.. Conventional stems
Release the expander bolt by two to three
complete turns. You should now be able to
turn the stem freely inside the fork.
If this is not the case, release the bolt by tap-
ping it softly with a hammer. With most Allen
bolts, you will first need to stick the Allen key
into it, because they will probably be counter-
sunk and therefore impossible to be hit direct-
ly. Then gently tap the key with the hammer.
Never try to unscrew the top race when you
only want to adjust the stem, as you will oth-
erwise alter the bearing play. These top races
serve the purpose of modifying the bearing
Now you can move the handlebars and stem
up and down as a whole. Do not pull the stem
out beyond the mark on the shaft! According
to the CEN-standard, the minimum inserted
length should be 2.5 times the diameter of
the stem shaft.
In any case, a deeper insertion depth means
higher safety.
Align the handlebars so that they are sym-
metrical to the front wheel when riding
Tighten the expander bolt. Make sure not to
exceed the maximum permissible torque.
insertion depth