8. Adjusting the bike to the rider
Check that the stem is firmly fixed by taking
the front wheel between your legs and trying
to twist handlebars and stem. If the stem gives
way, you have to increase the torque.
If the handlebars are still too high or too low,
the only solution will be to replace the stem.
This can be quite a big job, as it may mean
taking off and remounting all the fittings on
the handlebars. Ask your dealer about the
various stem types available.
Note that the bolted connections of
stem and handlebars have to be tight-
ened to their specified torques. If you disre-
gard the prescribed values, the handlebar
or stem may come loose or break.
Never ride a bike whose stem has
been drawn out beyond the mark for
the maximum permissible height! Check all
bolted joints and do a brake test before you
set off!
8.. Adjustable stems
Adjustable stems allow for the handlebar
height to be modified by raising or lowering
the front part of the stem.
Release the bolt of the locking mechanism
located on the side by about three to five turns
until the integrated ratchet mechanism comes
loose. Do not unscrew it all the way; other-
wise the whole assembly will come apart.
Slide the bolt to the side opposite the head.
Adjust the stem which can now be moved,
according to your needs.
Please note: Changing the position of
the stem alters the position of the
handlebars as well as of the brake and
gear levers. Correct them, if necessary, as
described in chapter 8.
“Adjusting the bike
to the rider“
Slide the loose adjusting part back into the
stem until the locking mechanism snugly
engages with the ratchet mechanism. Then
tighten the bolt by taking care not to exceed
the maximum torque of 12 Nm.