7. The lighting set
7. Troubleshooting
First inspect the light bulbs of the front and
rear light. Check whether the filaments are
intact. Bulbs with a black tint are a sure indi-
cation of a defect.
Check the contacts and the sockets in the
lamp housing. White or greenish stains are a
sign of corrosion. Remove the corroded mate-
rial with a screwdriver or emery cloth until the
contact surfaces are shiny again.
Inspect the cable along its entire length and
check for any damage. Check all contact
points. Pin and socket connectors tend to cor-
rode if exposed to salt and rain. Take the con-
nectors apart and stick them together again.
If you still cannot find the cause of the trouble,
ask your MERIDA dealer who will repair your
lighting set competently.
7. Adjusting the front light
The centre of the light beam from the front
light should hit the ground no further than 10
metres ahead of the bike. To correct the orien-
tation of the light beam, release the fastening
bolt and adjust the light as required. Tighten
the bolts again.
An incomplete or inoperative lighting
set is not only against the law, it is
also a hazard to your life. Cyclists riding in
the dark without a light may easily be over-
looked and risk getting involved in serious