0. The gears
0.. Chain wear
Although the chain is one of the wearing com-
ponents of a bike, there are still ways of influ-
encing its service life. Make sure the chain is
lubricated regularly, especially after riding in
the rain. Try only to use gears which allow a
more or less straight run of the chain. Get in
the habit of pedalling fast.
Chains running on derailleur gears are worn
out after approximately 1,000 to 3,000 km.
Heavily lengthened chains may impair the
shifting characteristics. Cycling with a worn-
out chain also cause sprockets and chain-
wheels to wear out quite quickly. Replacing
these components is relatively expensive com-
pared with the costs of a new chain. It is there-
fore advisable to check the condition of the
chain at regular intervals.
To do so, shift the chain on the large front
chainwheel. Take the chain between your
thumb and index finger and try to lift it off
the teeth. If you can lift it off clearly, it is seri-
ously lengthened and probably needs to be
Your MERIDA dealer has accurate measur-
ing instruments for precise chain inspection.
Replacing the chain should be left to an expert
because not all chains have a master link
nowadays. Instead, they have a continuous
design and require a special tool for mount-
ing. If you need help, ask your MERIDA deal-
er to select and mount a chain matching your
gear system.
An improperly riveted or heavily worn
chain can break, possibly causing a
It is advisable to only use original
chains for replacement. An inappro-
priate chain may lead to a reduced preci-
sion in gear changing and make the chain
slip temporarily. This may cause a crash.