Subject to modificaitons
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User Manual
Installation and Operating Instructions
Form 403013
ADR Installation
Specifications for the installation of electric
equipment in ADR vehicles
4244a9 9
Measures of protection for electric lines
1 -
Conductor insulation
3 -
2 -
4 -
- must be fixed by means of clamps or strips to preven t
them fro m rubbing, saggin g or getting loose ,
- must be pro tected from sh ocks, stone impact and h eat,
- other tha n in a fixed in sta llation, must be sufficiently
flexible in spite of their covering .
The electric circuits can optio nally be interrupted by single-
or dou ble -pole disco nnecting switche s.
In case of single-pole disconne cting switches, th e negative
co nductor must be able to be interrupted.
To avoid s hort-circuits, please note the following:
cu rren t return lines must be insulated
they must be conne cte d to th e vehicle frame (MASS 31)
below the driver’s cab (up to the back wall).
housings and connectors must b e of pro tection class IP 54
according to DIN 4 0050
co atin g (pos. 3) of tube lines must be of polyurethane
according to DIN VDE 0250 (o nly use orig ina l Lincoln ADR
Certificate for QLS 421-……-ADR
Berlin, Augu st 0 6
, 2 007 (QLS 421)
Report: 0 47-01
Compon ent d esignation: TÜ.EGG.047-0 1
For presentation at the inspection performe d accord ing to ADR chapte rs 9.2.2, 9.3.7 a nd 9.7 .8 (status 15
VdTÜV-explanat ory leaflet 5205; I SO 6722-4; ISO/DIS 14 572; EN 40050 and EN 60079-14 b y a n of ficially au thorized exp ert of
automotive traffic.
This is to certify th at the
QLS 421-ADR Centralized Lubric ation Pump
has been prope rly in st alled by us in the following vehicle:
Type ............... ..................... ...................... ...................... ......
Manufacture r .. ..................... ...................... ...................... ......
Model ............. ..................... ...................... ...................... ......
Vehicle Ident. No . ................ ...................... ...................... ......
in accordance with th e works installation instruct ions usin g orig ina l part s o f the manufact urer.
The original parts of
Lincoln GmbH
Heinrich-Hertz-Str. 2-8
D-69190 Walldorf
Cen tralized lu brication pu mp with integ rated contro l unit, model QLS 421-……-ADR
Component designa tion: TÜ.EGG.047 -01
Add-on lubricant me tering device and lu bricant lines
Electric lines for the centralized lubricat ion pump in accordan ce with the regula tion s of chapter 9 .2.2 of the ADR
Furthermore, this is to c ertify that the system has been properly installed in consideration of the construc tion regula-
tions of ADR.
…………………………………….., date ………… …………………
(Signature and stamp of workshop that has inst alled the system)