User Manual
Installation and Operating Instructions
Lincoln’s Global Distribution and Service
Network – The Best in Our Industry –
Whatever service is required – selecting a lubricating system, customised system in sta llatio n or the supply of top q uality prod-
ucts – you will always be best a dvised by the staff of the Lincoln offices, representative s and contract de alers.
Systems de alers
Our systems dealers have the most ext ensive specia lised kn owle dge in o ur ind ustry. They plan you r installations to suit your
specifications with exa ctly the combination of Lincoln componen ts that you need. They then build th e installations at your op-
era tion with experienced technicians or work closely with your person nel to en sure that everything goes smooth ly.
All dealers have the complete range o f pumps, distributers, mon itoring de vices and accessories in stock and meet our exa cting
demands with their specialised knowledge abou t products, installations and se rvice. Whenever and wherever yo u nee d our
experts, from St. Louis to Singa pore, Walldorf and wo rldwide, Lincoln’s first-class systems dealers are at you r service.
Find out where the n earest Lincoln distribu tion and service off ice to you is loca ted:
America: Lincoln
One Lin coln Way
St. Louis, MO 63120 -1578
Pho ne: (+1) 314 679 4200
(+1) 800 424 5359
Home: www.lincolnin dustrial.co m
Europe/Africa/Asia: Lincoln
Heinrich -He rtz Straße 2-8
69190 Walldorf
(+49) 62 27 33-0
(+49) 62 27 33-259
E-Mail: lincoln@lincolnind ustrial.de
Asia /Australia /Pa cific: Lincoln
51 Cha ngi Busin ess Park C entral 2
# 09-06 The Signature
Sin gapo re 4860 66
Pho ne: (+65)
65 88-0188
Fax: (+65)
65 88-3438
E-Mail: [email protected]
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