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User Manual
Installation and Operating Instructions
Subject to modificaitons
Form 403013
First filling of a lubrication system
62 21b05
Fig. 4-1 Fill reservoir up to the “Max.“ marking
1 Filling
2 Vent
3 Stirring
4 Fix
paddl e
Nipple for emergency lubrication
Fill the empty reservoir up to the ”Max. ” marking via the
filling nipple 5.
Let th e QLS run until lubrican t le aks from the metering
device ou tlets.
If necessa ry fill the lub rication lines via th e filling nipple 5
of the mete ring device with an extern al pump .
6001a0 2
The filling nipple 5 ca n be re moved te mpo -
rarily to check the lubricant output.
Electrical Connection
Connect cables acc. to conne ction diagra m (see chapter
„Techn ical Data“).
4273a 00
Observe safety in structions in cha pter
„Mainte nance …“, paragraph „Electrica l
Installation Instructions, continuation
6001a 02
In case of rear-mounted lubricant meter-
ing devices:
For transport ing outlet 2 of the metering
d evice was equipp ed with a check valve.
Ma ke sure to remove it before assemb ly,
a s it cannot be used when operating.
1013A9 4
Risk of bursting if the reservoi r is over-
fil led! Wh en fillin g the reservoir by means
of pumps with a large de livery volume do
not e xceed the max. filling mark.
600 1a02
When filling the reservoir the vent b ore 2
must not be close d:
- so that th e air can escape through the
vent bore 2
- in order not t o impede the proper suction
beha viour of the pu mp during operation.