Subject to modificaitons
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User Manual
Installation and Operating Instructions
Form 403013
Mode of Operation, continuation
B-Q421 -040 b09
Fig. 9-3 Movement of the indicator pin during the lubricating time
1 - indicator pin
A ma lfu nction in t he downstream syste m can be dete rmined
b y t he indica tor pin 1 (Fig. 9-3). If du ring the lu bricating time
t he indicator pin does not move to the left or to th e right side,
t here e xists a malfu nction. The pump of the QLS 421 returns
t he grea se invisibly via the pressure relief valve (Fig. 8-1) to
t he reservoir.
60 01a02
The p oint of time of the indicator pin’s
movement depends o n the size of the
attache d divider block. It can take some
time (max. 3 min ) until th e pump has sup-
plied the amoun t of lubricant necessa ry fo r
the ind icator pin to move.
Examin ation:
Trigg er an a dditional o perating cycle (Fig. 13-2). If lubri-
cant is supplied, the indica tor pin 1 (Abb. 9-3) moves.
Trigg er further additional o perating cycles until lubricant
leaks fro m the divider block or from the lube point.
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Fig. 9-1
Flashing display of a malfunction
B-Q42 1-040 c0 9
Fig. 9-2 Display without power s upply
Visible malfunctio ns can be:
- defect ive pump ; e mpty reservoir
LED disp lay
* Er *
(Fig. 9-1 )
Precondition: applied powe r supply
- power su pply interrupted
no seg ment or LED displayed (Fig . 9-2)
- blockage in the downstream system (Fig . 9.3)
After refilling the lubricant reservoir or removing the malfunc-
tion with an additional lub rication the pump is read y fo r opera-
tion. The flashing fault indicatio n
* Er *
disappears aga in.
Before that the malfunction can be co nfirmed (Fig. 11-3).
Pressure Relief Valve
Fig. 8-1 Pressure relief valve (cartridge) in housing
4304 a00
The QLS is protected with a pressure relief valve
(cartrid ge).
The pressure re lief valve limits the pressure build-up in
the QLS. It opens at an overpressu re of 205 bar (300 0
If the pressure relie f valve is actuated, this indicates t hat
the system is malfu nctioning. The lubricant flows back into
the reservoir (hardly visible from outside).
If this is the case trigger an additional lubrication and
observe ind icator pin 1 (Fig.6-1) on the metering device. If
the indicator pin doe s n ot mo ve, either the system is
blo cked or the reservoir is empty.
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Make sure to couple the tract ion vehi-
cle b efore triggering an additional op-
erating cycle.
Provide voltage supply between the (semi-) tra iler and the
traction veh icle.
Switch on t he driving switch a nd actuate the brake pe dal.
Hit t he reservoir slightly by ha nd to start the motion sen-
Then p ress the key for th e additional lubrication
(Fig. 13 -2) > 2 second s.