Subject to modificaitons
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User Manual
Installation and Operating Instructions
Form 403013
Mode of Operation
Lubrication System
4205a 04
Fig. 7-1 QLS 421 schematic
2 Folientastatur
Steuerplati ne
4 Pumpe
SSV 6, 12, 18
The QLS 42 1 operates according to op erating cycles
(pause and lubrica ting times).
The first braking in itiates the stan d-by time and the lubri-
cating time at the sa me time.
A division o f the lube points
via sub-divider
blocks and one main divide r block (SSV 6, SSV 8) is pos-
sib le only up to
max . 18 points per ope rating cycle
1 062b05
Fig. 7-2
Stop light voltage
Mostly, trailers and semi-trailers do not have a permanent
power supply. The brake-light voltage (terminal 5 4) re n-
ders th e power sup ply. The operation-dep endent sign al of
termina l 15 (ign ition voltage) as provided for trucks is not
availa ble here.
4298a0 0
Fig. 7-3 Control p.c.b. 236-10028-1
A motion sen sor 1 (Fig. 7-3) controls the time lap se for the
stand-b y time inte grated in the control p.c.b. It co llect s th e
movements (driving times) of the vehicle, up on which it
init iates the necessary operatio nal signa l fo r the control of
the stand-by time.
Normally, the bra ke-light voltag e app lies only for a sh ort
term. Therefore, a capacito r is re quired for th e time stor-
age (se e Fig . 7-3). During the braking proce dure, the ca-
pacitor is charged and is available as continuous power
supply for generating the ope ration-depend ent signal.
1 -
Motion sensor
2 -
Capac itor