Subject to modificaitons
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User Manual
Installation and Operating Instructions
Form 403013
Maintenance and Repair
Electric al Connection
Before mainte nance o r repair of pump s
switch of f their power supply.
Consid er the safety instruction s (page 5
and 6)!
4273a 00
Before startin g, make sure that th e gen eral
powe r supply is of f. The d evice must ne ve r
be connected or d isco nnected w hen the
powe r is on. The protective conductor mu st
always b e connected. Take ca re that this
line section is undama ged and conforms to
st andards and the con tacts are sa fe.
6001a 02
The protection IP6K9K is guaranteed when
th e socket (X1:, X2: & X3 :) is tightene d on
th e housing cover with flat pa ckin g.
Make sure of the connection and the type o f constru ction
of your QLS 401.
- type of conne ction (VDC / VAC)
- low-level indication
- type of conne ction plug
- monitoring of meterin g device via external or in ternal
cycle switch
Connect the electrical wires accord ing to the following
ele ctrical conne cting diagrams (see cha pter „Technical
Maintenance, Repair and Tests, continuation
4273a 00
Conside r resid ual ripple of max.
5 % to
con nect pum ps with direct current version
(in relation to the opera ting voltage acc. to
DIN 417 55).
Tes t Run /
Triggering an Additional Lubrication
4209a 99
Fig. 14-3 Display with rotating segment : Lubricating time
To check t he pump operation it is po ssible to perform a n
additional test (see Fig . 13-2).
Durin g the lub ricating tim e
- the stirring paddle is rotating
- a rotating segment is displayed (se e Fig. 14-3)
- the control pin is moving to the left or to the righ t side
(Fig. 9-3)
- lubrican t comes out of th e lubricatio n points
Operati on with bayonet plug
Protective measures to be applied for appropriate opera tion
with bayo net plugs:
"Functiona l extra-low voltag e with safe iso lat ion" /
"Protective Extra-Lo w Voltag e" (PELV)
DIN EN 6 0204 Te il1: 2007-07 / IEC 204-1 /
DIN VDE 010 0 Teil 41 0: 2007-06 / IEC 364-4-41