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User Manual
Installation and Operating Instructions
Subject to modificaitons
Form 403013
The pumps correspond to the following
EMC directives:
- for vehicles
………. EMC 2009/19/EC
marked with the EC approval symbol
(e-icon) on the ty pe identification plate.
Adm. operating temperatu re
.............. ........ – 25 °C ... +70 °C
Maximum operating pressure
(pump without mete ring de vice) .......... .................... ~ 205 bar
Number of o utlets .......... ...................... ..................... ...... 6, 18
Output per outlet and cycle .................. ................... ~ 0,2 ccm
Reservoir capacit y ......... ...................... ..................... ........... 1l
.................... ............. greases up to NLGI grad e 2
Weight ...... ....... .............. ...................... ..................... .... 5 ,7 kg
Prot ection . ..................... ... DIN 40050 T9: IP6 K 9K (NEMA 4)
Reverse polarity prote ction of the operating voltage in lets yes
Plastic tube ..................... ...................... .. Ø 6x1,5 mm (1/4 in.)
- Min. be nding radius .... ...................... ..................... ... 50 mm
- Bu rsting pressure at 20 °C ............... ................... ~ 210 bar
Tightening Torques
Electric motor on housing .................... ..................... ..... 3 Nm
Pump element in housing .................... ..................... ... 25 Nm
Closure plug (piston) in meterin g device .................. ... 18 Nm
Closure plug (outlets) in metering device ................. ... 15 Nm
Outlet fitting in metering device
- screw-type .................. ...................... ..................... ... 17 Nm
- push-in type ................ ...................... ..................... ... 12 Nm
Compression nu t onto outlet fitting, screw-type
- plastic tube ... .............. ...................... ..................... ... 10 Nm
- steel tube .................... ...................... ..................... ... 11 Nm
Indicator pin in metering device ........... ..................... ... 18 Nm
Mounting of the metering device (M6, 8.8) ............... ... 10 Nm
Acce ssory Kits
Inch-Size Kits: ............... ...................... ..................... . Part n o:
- SSV 6 / 8 .................... ...................... .............. 550-36971-1
- SSV 1 2 .. ..................... ...................... .............. 550-36971-2
- SSV 1 8 .. ..................... ...................... .............. 550-36971-3
Metric Size Kits: ............. ...................... ..................... . Part n o:
- SSV 6 / 8 .................... ...................... ......... 5 50-3697 0-1 ***
- SSV 1 2 .. ..................... ...................... ......... 5 50-3697 0-2 ***
- SSV 1 8 .. ..................... ...................... ......... 5 50-3697 0-3 ***
*** Lube fit ting s mu st be or dere d separ ately
DC gear mot or (inte rfere nce -suppressed)
Operating voltage .......... ............... ..................... ........ 24 VDC
Max. current input at 24 VDC ....... ..................... ............... 3 A
Speed, depe ndent on th e backpressure ............ ..... 21 ±3 rpm
Noise emission .............. ............... ..................... ... < 70 d B(A)
Electric data DC (direc t current)
Operating voltage .......... ............... ........... 12 V, - 2 0%/+ 3 0 %
Operating current, max. . ............... ..................... ............ 2,0 A
Operating voltage .......... ............... ........... 24 V, - 2 0%/+ 3 0 %
Operating current, max. . ............... ..................... ............ 1,0 A
Relay for ma lfun ction DC
Malfunction / Low-le vel indication
- Switching volt age ....... ............... ........... max. 48 VAC/ VDC
- Switching current ........ ............... ............ max. (resistive) 2A
- Switching capacit y ...... ............... ............ max. 100 VA/80 W
Residual ripple in relatio n to the operating voltage ........... .......
... ............... ..................... ............... ............... DIN41755: ± 5%
EMC 200 9/19/EC (vehicles)
- Emitte d interference acc. to ........ ............ DIN EN 61000-6-4
- Noise immunity acc. to ............... ............ DIN EN 61000-6-2
Time Setting
Ran ge of Stand-by time . ............... ..................... 1 to 1 6 hours
- ............... ..................... ............... ............... Increment 1 h our
Ran ge of lub rica ting time .............. ................. 1 to 32 minutes
- ............... ..................... ............... ........... Incremen t 1 minute
Factory setting
- Sta nd-by time .............. ............... ..................... ......... 6 hours
- Lubrica ting time ........... ............... ..................... ..... 6 minutes
Timer memory ............... ............... ..................... ............... .......
... ............... ..................... ............... ... in definite over EEPROM
600 1a02
The pump is designed for the above
mentioned temp erature rang e. However,
most times t he lubricants are pumpable
up to –2 5°C only. For lowe r temperatu res
use low-temperature lub rican ts.
600 1a02
The ra ting liste d refers to g rease of NLGI
grade 2 measured at 20°C, backpressure
10 0 bar a nd no min al voltage 12/24 V
(motor). Any differing pressure s or tem-
pe ratures result in different lub ricant
ou tputs. Any system d esign must be
ba sed on t he above va lues compete.
All data depends on operating voltage,
ambient temperature and max. opera ting
The pump motor is suitab le for
intermittent ope ration only.
Technical Data
600 1a02
The pump rese rvoirs are fa ctory-primed
with lubrication gre ase Renocal FN745
an d EP ad ditive s make Fuchs. This
composition is comp atible to mo st of the
commercial greases and h elps to prevent
fa ults. If re quested by the custome r, the
pu mps can either be primed with a nother
type of lubrication grea se o r be supplied
withou t priming .