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User Manual
Installation and Operating Instructions
Subject to modificaitons
Form 403013
Maintenance, Repair and Tests
The maintenance is esse ntia lly limite d to refillin g the re s-
ervo ir with clean lubricant in g ood time . However, check
regularly whether the lubricant is really dispensed to all
the lub rication points.
Also check the main lines and lubrican t feed lines for
damage and rep lace them, if necessary.
6001 a02
Whenever work is do ne on the centra -
lized lubrication system, particular atten-
tion should be paid to absolute cleanli-
ness. Dirt in the system will cause prob -
For cleaning the system use benzine or petroleum. Do not
use tri-, perchloroethylene or similar solvents.
Also do not use po lar organic solven ts such as alcohol,
methylacohol, acetone or similar.
To fill reservoir
423 1b04
Fig. 14-1 Fill pum p reservoir up to the “Max.“ mark
1 -
Filling nipple of the reservoir
2 -
Vent hole
3 -
Stirring paddle
Fill the re se rvoir u p to the ”Max.” mark via the filling nip-
p le 1 (Fig. 14-1).
6001a0 2
The grease must be free from impurities
and mu st not be liable to cha nge its co nsis-
te ncy in the course of time.
6001a0 2
If the reservoir has be en comp let ely emp-
tied, the p ump may re quire priming and a
longer runtime to re ach the f ull lu bricant
output. Therefore, if the occa sion arise s
trigger additiona l lube cycles man ually
(Fig. 13-2).
For repair work on the QLS use only orig ina l
spa re parts.
n on-
parts voids th e pump warranty.
6 445b0 5
By operating the drive motor without the
reservoir in sta lled, there is a risk of injury
by the eccentric gear.
Never use the lubrication system QLS
withou t installing the reservoir!
1013A9 4
Risk of bursting if the reservoi r is over-
fil led! Wh en fillin g the reservoir by means
of pumps with a large de livery volume do
not e xceed the max. filling mark.
600 1a02
When filling the reservoir the vent b ore 2
must not be close d:
- so that th e air can escape through the
vent bore 2
- in order not t o impede the proper suction
beha viour of the pu mp during operation.