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User Manual
Installation and Operating Instructions
Subject to modificaitons
Form 403013
Operation/Maintena nce
Lincoln Quicklub cent ralized lubricatio n systems
must be operate d only with installed pressure relief valve.
must be operate d with attach ed or connected SSV meter-
ing device make Lincoln Gmb H.
must be refilled in re gular inte rvals with clean and recom-
lubricant witho ut air entrapments.
see recommendation of the user or the manufacturer of the
operate automatica lly. Ho wever, a regular check (approx.
eve ry 2 d ays) should be mad e to ensure tha t lub ricant is
emerging from all lubrication points.
Operati on with bayonet plug
Protective measures to be applied for appropriate opera tion
with bayo net plugs:
"Functiona l extra-low voltag e with safe iso lat ion" /
"Protective Extra-Lo w Voltag e" (PELV)
DIN EN 6 0204 Te il1: 2007-07 / IEC 204-1 /
DIN VDE 010 0 Teil 41 0: 2007-06 / IEC 364-4-41
Safety Instructions, continuation
An y safety e quipmen t already fit ted to the veh icle:
- sh ould not be modified or made ineffective;
- sh ould only be remove d for the purpose o f fitting the
- must be reinstalled after fitting the system.
Ke ep Quicklub centralized lubrication syste ms away from
source s of hea t. Ad here to the o perating temperatu re.
Use only original Lin coln spare p arts (se e Parts Ca talog) o r
parts appro ved by Linco ln.
Ad here
- the installation instructions o f the veh icle manufacturer
as regard s all drilling an d welding procedure s.
- the specified minimum d istances bet ween the bo reholes
an d the upper/lowe r rim of the frame or between two
bo reholes.
4273a 00
Conside r resid ual ripple of max.
5 % to
con nect pum ps with direct current version
(in relation to the opera ting voltage acc. to
DIN 417 55).
Repa ir
Repairs should on ly be performed by autho rized pe rsonn el
who are familiar with the repair instructions.
Dispose of u sed or con taminate d lubricants as well as of parts
that were in touch wit h lubricant according to the legal regula-
tions pe rtaining t o environ ment al protection . Make sure to
obse rve the safety data sheets of the lubricants used .
1. The ADR Quicklub cen tral lubrication pump complies with
the d esign regula tions of annex B of the ADR
and with
the GGVS
ADR = act governing the road haulage of hazardous materials
valid for Europe.
GGVS - Regulation on carriage of dangerous goods by road
(valid for the Federal Republic of Germany)
2. Moreover, th e pump and its e lectrical equipment comply
with the re gulations o f annex B.2 (ADR / GGVS regula-
tions for electrical equ ipment ) accordin g to Rn 220000 in
conjunction with the transport units mentioned in Rn
1025 1.
3. The ADR central lub rication pump is in conformity with the
protection class IP6K9K.
4. Install the ADR Quicklub cen tralized lub rica tion pump, the
mete ring d evice s, lines and t ube fittings as well as the
electrical connection p arts in accordance with the Instal-
lation I nstructions. Use only original Lincoln parts.
5. After completion of the proper installation a nd commis-
the installation of the sys tem must be certi-
fie d by means of a s tamp and signature of the spe-
cialized works hop
or expert
. For this purpose, use the
following fo rm.
6. If the pump and the installation do not comply with the
construction regulations of ADR an d GGVS, the type ap-
pro val is no longer valid.
7. The Operating In structions along with the certificate du ly
filled in must be added to the vehicle papers. It is to be
submit ted at th e inspection in accordance with § 6, clause