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User Manual
Installation and Operating Instructions
Form 403013
Fault: Blocka ge in the downstre am progressive system
Reme dy …
b y s ervic e personnel
Bea rings, lines or metering device clogge d
Mountin g position of meterin g device: back
- In the case o f metering devices SSV 6 and SSV 18, outlet
1 is closed and o utle t 2 is conn ected to a lu be poin t.
The indicato r pin at the mete ring device piston doe s no t
move .
4 232a0 4
Fig. 15-1
Determine the cause of the blockage as described in the
following e xample and eliminate it.
Let the pu mp run (refe r to ”trigger additional opera ting cy-
cles”, fig. 13-2).
Disconnect a ll feed lines D (fig. 15-1) of the meterin g device
one after the othe r. If oil shows un der pressure the block-
age is located in the line of outlet 3 or in the connected
bearing po in t.
Pump through the blocked line or b earing point using a
hand pump.
6001 a02
To check the individual outlet s, leave all
out lets disconnected for a while, since only
one piston stroke is executed with each
mot or re volution. Several strokes are re-
quired fo r a full cycle of all metering d evice s.
Check pressure relief valve (se e chapte r „Operation“) Re-
place it, if necessary.
pressure relief valve
B pump
SSV 12 metering device
feed lines
return li ne
Metering device is blocked
Replace the mete ring device or clean it as follows:
- Re move a ll threade d tube fit ting s.
- Un screw the piston closure plugs.
- Re move th e piston, if possible, wit h a soft mandrel
(smalle r than Ø 6 mm, 0 .24 in).
6001a0 2
The piston s a re individually fit in th e bores of
th e metering device. After remo ving the pis-
to ns, mark them in order to reinstall the m in
th e right direction and position. They ma y not
be in tercha nged.
- Tho roughly clean the metering device body in a grease-
dissolving dete rgent and dry it with compressed air.
- Clean through the mate rial passages (Ø 1.5 mm, 0.59 in )
at the t hread ends of the piston bores using a pin.
- Clean the metering device once more and dry it thor-
- Re assemble the mete ring de vice .
Troubleshooting, continuation
Fault: Differing lubricant amounts at the lubrication point
Reme dy …
by se rvic e personne l
Lubrican t metering not correct
Check the lubricant metering acc. to the lubrication chart.
Adjust / op tim ize time setting.
se ttin g
Check the lubricant metering acc. to the lubrication chart.
Adjust / op tim ize time setting.