Ask on connection
Checkmark to have the phone ask you to choose which USB connection mode it should connect
with to a PC.
Developer Options
Keep in mind that turning on these developer settings may result in irregular device behavior.
To turn on debug mode when USB is connected:
1. Tap
Systems settings
Developer options
2. Tap
USB debugging
To set the phone to flash the screen when applications operate for a long period of time on the
main thread:
1. Tap
Systems settings
Developer options
2. Tap
Enable strict mode
To make the tap data visible on the screen:
1. Tap
Systems settings
Developer options
2. Tap
Show touch data
To show visual feedback when the screen is tapped:
1. Tap
Systems settings
Developer options
2. Tap
Show touches
To set the phone to flash areas of the screen when they are updated:
1. Tap
Systems settings
Developer options
2. Tap
Show screen updates
To overlay the current CPU usage on the screen:
1. Tap
Systems settings
Developer options
2. Tap
Show CPU usage
To use the 2D hardware acceleration in applications:
1. Tap
Systems settings
Developer options