User Manual LW120
There are
Link #
generator. When
– This parameter define how many times the segment will
loop for the selected link. For example, if you program 2, the
waveform will cycle twice through the same segment before
Mixed sequence advance
t 2,
looping 500 times; segment 3 looping 25 times and segment 4, which
Figure 5-51. The Sequence Table
four major elements that you should consider while
a sequence table. They are: Link#, Loop(s), Segment#
and Adv. These elements are explained below.
- This parameter defines an index array for the sequence
generating sequences, the instrument steps though
link # in descending order therefore, make sure that you enter your
waveform segments in exactly the order you would like them at
transitioning to the next link.
Segment #
- This parameter associates waveform segments with
links. You can use different segments for different links or you can use
the same segment for a number of links. There are no limitations how
you associate links to segments, except you cannot program in the
sequence table segments that were not defined earlier.
This field is a special code that is used in conjunction with the
mixed advance mode. This bit flags the LW120 if the selected link is
continuous or stepped. Information on the
mode is given later. “0” flags continuous, “1” flags stepped.
Figure 5-7 shows an example of a 4-step sequence of which the first
waveform is made of segment 1, which will loop 20 times; segmen
ArbExplorer 5-16