User Manual LW120
SYNC Output
The Channel 1 output will be ON when you click on the Channel 1
button and the red bar at the center illuminates.
Besides the grouped buttons and parameters, there are three other
buttons on the right top corner of the panel. These buttons will provide
the buttons, you automatically select this function and provide access
to parameters that are unique for this function. For example, if you
click on the Square button, the Duty Cycle parameter will be available
operating mode options, the LW120 will be updated with the new
trigger option and the Trigger Panel will pop up, allowing adjustments
of trigger parameters.
The SYNC Output group controls SYNC parameters and enables or
disables the SYNC output. The SYNC output is enabled when the
State button is ON. The SYNC Width and Position parameters will
affect the LW120 when the BIT validator is selected. In LCOM mode,
the width and the position will have no affect on the SYNC output.
The Output group is used for controlling the state of the LW120
channel 1 and 2 outputs. The buttons toggle the output ON and OFF.
access to the (from top) Utility and Modulation Panels. Also, if you
press the Exit button, the program will be terminated.
The Standard
Waveforms Panel
Channel 1&2
The Standard Waveforms panel, as shown in Figure 5-4, is always
invoked at the back of the Main Panel since the default output shape
of the LW120 is standard sine waveform. There are a number of ways
to access this panel: You may click on it to bring it in front of the main
Panel, you can click on the STD. Button on the Instruments bar, or
you can click on the Standard button within the Waveforms group in
the Main Panel. The functional groups in the Standard Waveforms
Panel are described below.
The Channel 1 and Channel 2 Parameters group lets you select the
parameters for the standard waveforms. There are nine standard
wave shapes that the LW120 can generate and by selecting one of
for modification. Likewise, if you select the shape, the fall, high, rise
and delay parameters will be available for modification. Note that by
clicking a button in this group, you are immediately updating the
LW120 output with this waveform shape.
ArbExplorer 5-9