Parameter description:
The interface type through which the remote host can access the switch.
Received Packets:
Number of received packets from the interface when access management mode is enabled.
Allowed Packets:
Number of allowed packets from the interface when access management mode is enabled
Discarded Packets.:
Number of discarded packets from the interface when access management mode is enabled.
Activate the auto-refresh to refresh the information automatically.
Refresh the Access Management Statistics information manually.
Clear the statistics.
5.9 SSH
This section shows you to use SSH (Secure Shell) to securely access the Switch. SSH is a secure communication protocol
that combines authentication and data encryption to provide secure encrypted communication.
Web Interface
To configure SSH in the web interface:
1. Select “Enabled” in the Mode of SSH Configuration.
2. Click "Save".
Figure 5-9.1: The SSH Configuration
Parameter description:
LANCOM GS-2310P/GS-2326(P) User Manual
5 Security