Show the transmit power of SFP module.
Mon3(RX PWR):
Show the receiver power of SFP module.
3.2 ACL
The GS-2300 series access control list (ACL) is probably the most commonly used object in the firmware. It is used for
packet filtering but also for selecting types of traffic to be analyzed, forwarded, or influenced in some way. The ACLs are
divided into EtherTypes. IPv4, ARP protocol, MAC and VLAN parameters etc. Here we will just go over the standard and
extended access lists for TCP/IP. As you create ACEs for ingress classification, you can assign a policy for each port, the
policy number is 1-8. However, each policy can be applied to any port. This makes it very easy to determine what type
of ACL policy you will be working with.
3.2.1 Ports
The section describes how to configure the ACL parameters (ACE) of the each switch port. These parameters will affect
frames received on a port unless the frame matches a specific ACE.
Web Interface
To configure the ACL Ports in the web interface:
1. Click Configuration, ACL, then Ports
2. To scroll the specific parameter value to select the correct value for port ACL setting.
3. Click Apply to save the setting
4. If you want to cancel the setting then you need to click the reset button. It will revert to previously saved values.
5. After your configuration is complete you can see the counter of the port. Then you could click refresh to update the
counter or clear the information.
Figure 3-2.1: The ACL Ports Configuration
Parameter description:
The logical port for the settings contained in the same row.
Policy ID:
Select the policy to apply to this port. The allowed values are 1 through 8. The default value is 1.
Select whether forwarding is permitted ("Permit") or denied ("Deny"). The default value is "Permit".
Rate Limiter ID:
Select which rate limiter to apply on this port. The allowed values are Disabled or the values 1 through 16. The default
value is "Disabled".
LANCOM GS-2310P/GS-2326(P) User Manual
3 Configuration