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5.6 AAA
This section shows you to use an AAA (Authentication, Authorization, Accounting) server to provide access control to
your network. The AAA server can be a or RADIUS server to create and manage objects that contain settings
for using AAA servers.
5.6.1 Configuration
This section describes how to configure AAA for or RADIUS server.
To configure AAA in the web interface:
1. Set Timeout (Default is 15 seconds).
2. Set Dead Time (Default is 300 seconds).
To configure a Authorization and Accounting Configuration of AAA in the web interface:
1. Select “Enabled” in the Authorization.
2. Select “Enabled” in the Failback to Local Authorization.
3. Select “Enabled” in the Account.
To configure a RADIUS Authentication Server Configuration of AAA in the web interface:
1. Check “Enabled”.
2. Specify IP address or Hostname for Radius Server.
3. Specify Authentication Port for Radius Server (Default is 1812).
4. Specify the Secret with Radius Server.
To configure a RADIUS Accounting Server Configuration of AAA in the web interface:
1. Check “Enabled”.
2. Specify IP address or Hostname for Radius Server.
3. Specify Accounting Port for Radius Server (Default is 1813).
4. Specify the Secret with Radius Server.
To configure a Authentication Server Configuration of AAA in the web interface:
1. Check “Enabled”.
2. Specify IP address or Hostname for Server.
3. Specify Authentication Port for Server (Default is 49).
4. Specify the Secret with Server.
Figure 5-5.3.1: The Common Server Configuration
Figure 5-5.3.2: The Accounting Configuration
LANCOM GS-2310P/GS-2326(P) User Manual
5 Security