Parameter description:
Delete the entry. It will be deleted during the next save.
Indicates the community access string to permit access to SNMPv3 agent. The allowed string length is 1 to 32, and the
allowed content is ASCII characters from 33 to 126. The community string will be treated as security name and map a
SNMPv1 or SNMPv2c community string.
The UserName access string to permit access to the SNMPv3 agent. The length of the “UserName” string is restricted to
1-32 characters.
Source IP
Indicates the SNMP access source address. A particular range of source addresses can be used to restrict the source
subnet when combined with source mask.
Source Mask
Indicates the SNMP access source address mask
4.6.3 Users
The function is used to configure SNMPv3 users. The Entry index key is UserName. To create a new UserName account,
please click on the <Add new user> button, and enter the user information then click <Save>. Max Group Number: 10.
Web Interface
To configure SNMP Users in the web interface:
1. Click SNMP, Users.
2. Specify the Privilege parameter.
3. Click Apply.
Figure 4-6.3: The SNMP Users Configuration
Parameter description:
Check to delete the entry. It will be deleted during the next save.
LANCOM GS-2310P/GS-2326(P) User Manual
4 System Configuration