Parameter description:
Delete the entry. It will be deleted during the next save.
Security Model
Indicates the security model that this entry should belong to. Possible security models are:
v1: Reserved for SNMPv1.
v2c: Reserved for SNMPv2c.
usm: User-based Security Model (USM).
Security Name
A string identifying the security name that this entry should belong to. The allowed string length is 1 to 32, and the
allowed content is ASCII characters from 33 to 126.
Group Name
A string identifying the group name that this entry should belong to. The allowed string length is 1 to 32, and the allowed
content is ASCII characters from 33 to 126.
The function is used to configure SNMPv3 view. The entries index keys are OID Subtree and View Name. To create a new
view account, please click the <Add new view> button, and enter the view information then click <Save>. Max group
number: 28.
Configure SNMPv3 view table on this page. The entry index keys are View Name and OID Subtree.
Web Interface
1. Click SNMP, Views.
2. Click Add new view.
3. Specify the SNMP View parameters.
4. Click Apply.
5. If you want to modify or clear the setting then click Reset.
LANCOM GS-2310P/GS-2326(P) User Manual
4 System Configuration