8.4.3 Serration
“Serration tooth shape”: The serration tooth
shape is selected here
“Distance between teeth” (for sickle knives):
Distance between serration teeth
“Number of teeth” (for circular knives): Number
of teeth for which the distance between teeth is
determined for circular knives
“Grinding angle for serration”: Edge angle at
which the profiling wheel dips into the knife
during serration
“Serration side”: Side from which serration is
carried out (0 = rear, 1 = front)
“Distance from tool while rotating knife during
serration”: Knife distance from profiling wheel
while rotating
“Speed while approaching the knife”: Speed at
which the knife is approached
“Speed during serration”: Speed at which
serration is carried out
“Waiting time after tooth grinding”: Waiting time
until the profiling wheel is raised
“Regrind contour”: Regrinding the knife contour
with the profiling wheel
“Measure axial runout”: Measuring axial runout
and knife contour before serrating
“Re-serrate knife”: The value must be set to
“True” before re-serrating
8.4.4 Change position
“X axis”: Position of the X axis (horizontal)
“Z axis”: Position of the Z axis (vertical)
“B axis”: Position of the B axis (rotatory)
8. Control system
Figure 8-12
“Change position” grinding data
Figure 8-11
“Serration” grinding data