Keysight M8070A Programming Guide
SCPI Command Language
Command Line Arguments
on page 95 for details about /Socket, /Telnet, /Inst,
/AutoID, /NoAutoID, /FallBack).
Table 19
Command line arguments
Start in auto ID mode (this is the default)
Do not start in auto ID mode - use
communication parameters from command
line [optional]
Use auto ID mode if the communication
parameters from the command line don't
work [optional]
/Socket <socket port>
Set the socket port for the SCPI
communication (only used with /NoAutoId)
/Telnet <telnet port>
Set the telnet port for the SCPI
communication (only used with /NoAutoId)
/Inst <instrument
Set the instrument number for VXI-11.3 and
HiSLIP SCPI communication [optional]
Recall last used setting [optional]
Reset to factory default [optional]
M8070A software don't grab M8195A
modules [optional]