Keysight M8070A Programming Guide
Programming Basics
M8040A Modular Configuration
The M8040A is a modular test solution which simplifies accurate receiver
characterization of devices operating up to 32 and 64 GBaud with NRZ and
PAM-4. It supports the following modules.
• M8045A pattern generator
• M8046A analyzer
• M8057A remote head
The following section describes and illustrates various setup combinations
in which you can install the M8040A modules.
M8045A Pattern Generator Module
The M8045A module can be a one or two data channel system (a second
channel can be added with license). A one channel instrument has to be
returned to the factory for installing the second channel (hardware) and
license. It occupies three slots of the 5-slot M9505A AXIe chassis. The
following figure illustrates an M8045A module two data channel system)
installed in an M9595A AXIe chassis.
Figure 6
M8045A configuration for 2 channels
M8045A Module
(2 Channels)
The M8045A module must be installed in slots 1 through 3 of the
M9505A AXIe chassis for proper local bus communication unless the
M9537A AXIe Embedded Controller is installed (must be in slot 1).