Keysight M8070A Programming Guide
SCPI Command Language
For more details on the instrument model, see
Command Syntax
Commands may be up to twelve characters long. A short-form version is
also available which has a preferred length of four characters or less. In
this document the long-form and short-form versions are shown as a
single word with the short-form being shown in upper-case letters.
For example, the long-form node command SOURce has the short-form
SOUR. Using the short form saves time when entering a program;
however, using the long form makes a program more descriptive and
easier to understand.
SCPI commands may be commands only, commands and queries, or
queries only. A question mark at the end of a command indicates that it is
a query. If the question mark appears in brackets ([?]), the command has a
command and query form.
Optional Command Keywords
Some layers in the SCPI command structure are optional. These optional
keywords are indicated by square brackets ([]). A typical use for these
types of keywords is with a command that is unique to one module. In this
case, the top layer (Root Keyword) of the command structure may be
For example, the following command code segments are functionally
[:SOURce]:JITTer[:GLOBal][:STATe] <ON|OFF|1|0>
:JITTer <ON|OFF|1|0>
:JITT <ON|OFF|1|0>
:jitt <ON|OFF|1|0>
Note that it is not necessary to include the syntax inside the square
brackets ([]).