Keysight M8070A Programming Guide
SCPI Command Language
SCPI Command Structure Example
The SCPI command structure can be best examined by means of an
example. For example, the command to set the pattern generator's output
amplitude is:
[:SOURce]:VOLTage[:AMPLitude] ‘M1.DataOut1’,1.11
The structure of this command can be illustrated as follows:
To translate this syntax into a command line, follow the convention
described above. Remember, however, that the command line can be
created in several different ways. It can be created with or without optional
keywords and in a long or short form. The following example gives three
possible forms of the command line; all are acceptable.
In long form:
:SOURce:VOLTage:AMPLitude ‘M1.DataOut1’,1.11
In short form:
:SOUR:VOLT:AMPL ‘M1.DataOut1’,1.11
This is the top layer of the command
structure and identifies the source
This is the next layer and defines the
subnode for setting a voltage level.
This is the command itself for setting the
output amplitude level.
This specifies pattern generator 1,
channel 1 and specifies an amplitude of
Any optional commands are enclosed in square brackets [ ] and any
optional characters are shown in lower case.
A colon indicates a change of level in the command hierarchy.
Commands at the same level in the hierarchy may be included in the
same command line, if separated by a semi-colon.
The bar symbol (|) indicates mutually exclusive commands.