19 Ignition sense
19.3 Using the Ignition Sense with the KDS-100 or KGP-2A/2B
Select KDS-100 or KGP-2A/2B as External Devices to disable the Ignition Sense.
By doing this, the KDS-100 or KGP-2A/2B cannot be turned on when connecting the KCT-31 Ignition line to the
KDS-100 or KGP-2A/2B, as the Ignition logic level is Low.
There are three ways to use the Ignition Sense with the KDS-100 or KGP-2A/2B:
Solder the cable onto the Ignition Sense pad.
• Solder a normal cable onto the pad as explained in the preceding section.
Modify the KCT-39.
• Cut the second pin (pink) of the KCT-39 so as not to connect the KDS-100 to the Ignition Line of the
Program the Function Port using the FPU.
• Select None in the External devices and manually program Ports 1 ~ 8.
• Enable the Ignition Sense.
Remove resistor R71 on the A side of the TX-RX board.