19 Ignition Sense
19.1 Using the Ignition Sense
Select “Edit > Function Port > Ignition Sense > Enable” in the FPU.
Remove resistor R71 on the A side of the TX-RX board.
Connect one end of the KCT-39 to the transceiver. Refer to Section “14 KCT-39” for details.
Connect the other end of the KCT-39 to the Ignition of the car.
Connect the second pin (pink) of the KCT-39 to the Ignition line of the car.
19.2 Using the Ignition with the Scrambler Board
The Scrambler board uses connector CN 3 for the Ignition Sense terminal. Therefore, you cannot connect the
However, you can use the Ignition Sense and the Scrambler Board at the same time by soldering a cable onto
the Ignition Sense pad on the PCB.
This pad functions as pin 1 (Ignition Sense) of connector CN 3.