In addition to the le gal war ran ty claims va lid in Ger ma ny * we war rant
our me tal de tec tors to be free of de fects for a pe ri od of 24 months af -
ter the ori gi nal date of consumer purchase.
This war ran ty co vers in stru ment fai lu res which are due to de fects in
ma te ri al or work mans hip. In the se ca ses the de vi ce is re pai red or re -
placed, at our op ti on, wit hout char ge for parts or la bor.
This war ran ty ex clu des:
Da ma ge cau sed by inap pro pria te use which in our opi ni on cau sed
the fai lu re of the in stru ment.
Da ma ge cau sed by ex ces si ve ly strong me cha ni cal ef fects or ac ci -
Da ma ge cau sed by ex po su re to cor ro si ve com pounds and sea wa ter.
Da ma ge cau sed by using se arch coils, char gers, or ot her ac ces so ries
not spe ci fi cal ly de sig ned for the re spec ti ve de vi ce.
Da ma ge due to mo di fi ca tions or un aut ho ri zed ser vi cing of the elec -
tro nics or the se arch coils.
Bat te ries and re char ge ab le bat te ries as well as da ma ge cau sed by
bat te ry lea ka ge.
Nor mal wear.
Should war ran ty ser vi ce be co me ne ces sa ry, plea se con tact your dea ler
or us. If you want to re turn an in stru ment to us, plea se ob ser ve the fol -
lo wing points:
You must in clu de a copy of the pur cha se vou cher.
The in stru ment must be ac com pa nied by a de tai led ex pla na ti on of
the symp toms of the fai lu re.
The in stru ment must be sent freight pre paid or it will be re fu sed and
re tur ned to sen der. **
13 Warranty
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