IMPORTANT! Must be read!
Un ex plo ded ord nan ce (UXO)
With the PULSE STAR II PRO you have ac quired an ef fi cient metal de -
tec tor which en ables you to de tect any bur ied me tal lic ob ject. How -
ever, please take into con sid er ation that you could pos si bly meet with
war ma te rial (UXO, un ex ploded ord nance) which is dan ger ous even
now. Am mu ni tion of ten con tains pro jec tiles or car tridge cases made
from brass and can there fore be in di cated as non-fer rous metal. In case
that the de tected ob ject is very large, spe cial cau tion is ad vis able: It is
pos si ble that it is a bomb. On prin ci ple, you should not try to dig out
the ob ject in case of doubt. If there is any sus pi cion about the ex is tence
of a bomb, shell or am mu ni tion, im me di ately call the po lice or the
bomb dis posal unit. The dig ging place or dan ger ous ob jects al ready dug
out should not to be left with out su per vi sion, be cause they could be lo -
cated by other per sons.
The dig ging out and the sal vage of a find is com pletely at your own risk.
The man u fac turer and seller are not li a ble for dam ages. The use of
metal de tec tors by chil dren must be su per vised by adults. Only adult
per sons should be al lowed to dig.
Le gal si tua ti on
Ob serve ex ist ing stat utes, laws and de crees. Also, the search for ar che -
o log i cal ob jects is gen er ally sub ject to au tho ri za tion or, in many coun -
tries, strictly for bid den. Please also con sider that dis cov ered ob jects do
not au to mat i cally be long to you, but are sub ject to the stat utes and
laws of the rel e vant coun try.
War ning against puls ed mag ne tic fields
The PULSE STAR II PRO pro duces pulsed mag netic fields. For rea sons of
safety, per sons with an im planted pace maker should not stand near to
the search coil dur ing op er a tion.
14 Important notes
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