1m coil with 8 tu bes
2.5 kg
2m coil
3.9 kg
Uni ver sal se arch loop
1.1 kg
Te les co pic pole
0.55 kg
Con struc ti on of the PULSE STAR II PRO elec tro nics unit
The elec tro nics unit con sists of three ma jor mo du les and the bat te ry.
The mo du les are of plug-in type and can very ea si ly be ex chan ged in
case of problems.
All mo du les are sea led to pro tect them from moi stu re. The re is no 'free
wi ring' so that all com po nents look cle ar ly ar ran ged and the re lia bi li ty
has been improved.
If any pro blems or da ma ges oc cur, plea se con tact your dea ler or us.
No tes:
* The PULSE STAR II PRO will still con ti nue to functi on if the tem per a -
ture drops be low 0 °C (32 °F), ho we ver, the plas tic parts of the se arch
coils may be co me britt le and could bre ak. Also, the ca bles in si de the
1m and 2m se arch coils lose their fle xi bi li ty which is ne ces sa ry to as -
sem ble and dis as sem ble these search coils.
Spe ci fi ca tions sub ject to chan ge wit hout no ti ce.
10 Technical data
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