Se ar ching with the 1m coil
Se ar ching with the 1m or the 2m coil must be per for med by two per -
sons. Be fo re be gin ning to se arch, se lect the de si red
po si ti on (see chap ters 3 and 7) with
mode (see
chap ter 3).
Se ar ching in
mode is re com men ded when ma xi mum sen si ti vi ty
is not real ly re qui red, i.e. for ob jects not bu ried very deep. Note: The
in iti al ad just ment for the
mode is the same as for the
Be fore you start to search with the PULSE STAR II PRO, you should
fa mil iar ize your self with the op er a tion and the re sponse us ing dif -
fer ent test ob jects. Place the elec tron ics unit and the search coil on
neu tral ground with no metal ob jects close by. There should be at
least 1 me ter clear ance be tween elec tron ics unit and coil to avoid
in ter fer ence. Af ter switch ing on and ad just ing the unit, you can
move the test ob jects over the search coil. It does not make any dif -
fer ence for the re sponse and the de tec tion depth whether the tests
are made in air or ground and whether the ob jects are moved over
the coil or vice versa. Make sure that your cloth ing does not con tain
any me tal lic parts.
In are as whe re a lot of une ven ground has to be co ver ed, it is ad vi sa ble
to se arch sys te ma ti cal ly. You should grid lar ge are as with po les and
strings with ap pro xi ma te ly 0.8 me ters (1m coil) or 1.6 me ters (2 m coil)
wide la nes. It is im por tant that the la nes are over lap ping be cau se the
se arch coil has its hig hest sensitivity in its center.
Search the gridded are as at wal king pace. Should the sur fa ce al low it,
hold the se arch coil at a cons tant height of about 10 to 20 cm (4 to 8 in -
ches) from the ground. Should the tic kra te vary, the ground may con -
tain he ma ti te. See chap ter 8 for more information.
When re cei ving a sig nal, it is im por tant to ob tain more in for ma ti on
about the de tec ted ob ject. You can le arn, with ex per ien ce, if the bu ried
ob ject is lar ge and pos si bly how deep it may be bu ried. The strength
and du ra ti on of the sig nal will give you this in for ma ti on. For ex am ple, a
6 Search procedure
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