Stan dard equip ment (PS01S)
The stan dard equip ment co mes with the elec tron ics unit in a real leath -
er case (PS01), char ger (PS11), car ry ing case (PS32) and a 1 me ter by 1
me ter se arch coil with col lap si ble plas tic fra me (PS02, 4 tu bes) and car -
ry ing straps (PS18). This size is a good tra de-off bet ween achie va ble de -
tec ti on depth, ne ces sa ry ob ject size, and easy hand ling. For trans por ta -
ti on, the coil can be sto red in the in clu ded car ry ing bag (PS16).
In ad di ti on, we of fer a va rie ty of ac ces so ries de scribed be low. The
respective part number is given in brackets.
Round coil, 25 cm (10 in ches) dia me ter (PS06)
This coil is of fe red with an op tio nal ly avai la ble ad jus tab le te les co pic
pole. Both items will fit into the car ry ing bag with the 1m coil.
The 25cm coil com ple ments the large search coils for eas ier pin-point -
ing, but is also suited for search ing. It has been con structed to be light -
weight, so it can be used for long pe ri ods with out tir ing. In
even smaller ob jects like sin gle coins can be de tected at great
de tec tion depths.
Round coil, 45 cm (18 in ches) dia me ter (PS28)
This coil achie ves hig her de tec ti on depths than the 25cm coil whi le still
being sen si ti ve to small ob jects. It is use ful in are as which are not ac -
ces si ble with the 1m coil. The optional tele scopic pole can also be used
with this coil.
Tele scopic pole (PS29) for the round coils
The tele scopic pole has a unique de sign and con sists of three trap e -
zoidal shaped alu minium pro files and one plas tic pro file. The length is
ad just able from 56 cm (22") to 135 cm (53") by lock ing-clips which are
very easy to use. The foam hand grip can be moved along the up per
alu minium pro file to find the most com fort able dis tance to the arm
rest. The lat ter is pad ded and has an ad just able strap and an integrated
4 Options and accessories
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