Com ple te in for ma ti on co mes with the uni ver sal se arch loop and is also
avai la ble on our web site.
A chart with detec ti on depths for all avai la ble coils can be found in
chap ter 7.
Ex ten si on ca bles 5/10/30 me ters (PS09/PS10/PS30)
The se ex ten si on ca bles can ex tend the con nec ti on ca ble of the 1m or
2m coils by up to 30 me ters, for ex am ple if a coil is pul led be hind a ve -
hi cle. When the con nec tors are plug ged in and the slee ve is se cu re ly
fas te ned, the con nec ti on is wa ter pro of. Ho we ver, it must not be used
un der wa ter as the connection is not pressure-proof.
You should not use the se ca bles for any of the small coils. The con -
nec ti on plug is coded, and the se coils would then have a slo wer sig -
nal re spon se.
Mains char ger (PS11)
The mains char ger co mes with the stan dard equip ment. Due to the
wide in put vol ta ge ran ge (100 to 240 volts), it can be used in vir tu al ly
any coun try when a suit able adap tor plug is used. The char ger has a
Europlug for which the adapter plug must fit.
Car charging cable (PS13)
This ca ble has a com bi na ti on plug. It fits into an au to mo bi le ci ga ret te
lighter socket and into a stan dard po wer out let if the red plas tic slee ve
is re mo ved from the tip. The plug has a built-in 8 am pe re fuse. The
char ging time is the same as with the mains charger.
Plea se pay at ten ti on to the no tes in chap ter 9 about the ma xi mum
in put vol ta ge when using this ca ble!
4 Options and accessories
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