can even be com pletely re -
jected), while still be ing sen si -
tive to most non-fer rous met -
An elec tronic anal y sis of the
de cay of the ob ject's mag netic
fields made it pos si ble to pro -
with a metal dis crim i na tion.
Since the sig nals that have to
be an a lyzed are even smaller
than the nor mal de tec tion sig -
nals, the dis crim i na tion range
is lim ited to about 60 to 80 %
of the nor mal de tec tion range.
The dis crim i na tion can only
func tion with ob jects of a min i -
mum size of about 10 cm (4
inches) in di am e ter. The in flu -
ence of shape and po si tion is
too large when de tect ing small
ob jects. The PULSE STAR II PRO
mea sures the elec tri cal con -
duc tiv ity of the metal ob ject.
As fer rous met als have, com -
pared to most non-fer rous
met als, poor con duc tiv ity, it is pos si ble to dif fer en ti ate be tween them.
How ever, you have to pay at ten tion to the fol low ing: Al most all ob jects
smaller than pre vi ously men tioned will cause a fer rous read ing. The
same ap plies to thin foils (e.g. large alu minium foils). An ac cu mu la tion
of sev eral smaller non-fer rous ob jects (for ex am ple some sil ver coins)
does not have the same char ac ter is tics as one sin gle big ger non-fer rous
ob ject, so again a fer rous metal will probably be in di cated for the group
of smaller objects. Ad di tion ally, the con duc tiv ity of some non-fer rous
met als, like lead or tin, as well as of some al loys is even lower than that
of iron, so that they may be clas si fied as fer rous ob jects. How ever, for
2 Operating principle
Fi gu re 1: Trans mis si on Pha se
Fi gu re 2: Re cei ving pha se
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