The PULSE STAR II PRO is a pulse in duc tion (PI) metal de tec tor.
Us ing the PI-prin ci ple of fers some de ci sive ad van tages. First, the search
coil is not part of a res o nant cir cuit or a crit i cal bal anced coil as sem bly
and can, there fore, be of al most any size and shape. This is ab so lutely
nec es sary in or der to con sid er ably in crease the de tec tion depth. In the
sec ond place, there is a time sep a ra tion be tween the trans mit ting and
the re ceiv ing phase which makes it pos si ble to work with far greater
trans mis sion power.
In com bi na tion with the one me ter by one me ter search coil, the
achieved de tec tion depths can al most be com pared with those of mag -
ne tom e ters, which can de tect noth ing but fer ro mag netic ob jects. An -
other great ad van tage of us ing the PULSE STAR II PRO to gether with
the large search coil is be ing able to cover a large area in a short pe riod
of time. The ac tual search coil is en cased in a plas tic frame (poly propy -
lene tub ing) and has to be car ried by two per sons.
A fur ther ad van tage is that small ob jects like bot tle caps, pull tabs,
pieces of alu minium foil, but also sin gle coins are nat u rally re jected
while us ing the large search coils.
The PULSE STAR II PRO is still though an easy-to-op er ate metal de tec -
tor: You only have to deal with four sim ple con trols, of which you need
just one while in nor mal op er a tion.
Ob jects are si mul ta neously in di cated by a me ter and by an au dio sig nal
which in creases in fre quency while ap proach ing the ob ject. The au dio
re sponse has a very wide dy namic range in or der to avoid sig nal sat u ra -
tion when the search coil ap proaches a very close ob ject. This makes it
easy to pin point the ex act lo ca tion.
The func tion of the PULSE STAR II PRO is di vided into two time in ter -
vals: Trans mis sion phase and re ceiv ing phase.
2 Operating principle
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