Intellipuff Service Manual
Page 41 of 51
Issue D 27/02/2014
Trouble Shooting
Always run the self test first as described in the user manual.
Instrument is hard to fire
This is associated with any of the following:
Light level dropped since last calibration thus threshold levels cannot be
Dirt on the front end optics thus threshold levels can not be achieved.
45º mirror misalignment relative to the photosensors thus threshold levels can
not be achieved.
Suggested Solution
1. Check A, B, C and K values are still within the acceptable levels for
calibration and that the current values compare with those saved in the
EEPROM at the last calibration time.
2. If Acceptable A, B, C & K values (green zone) can not be achieved, by
increasing the main LED output then the Mainframe and PCB assembly
must be changed.
3. Clean front end optics
Instrument is too easy to fire and the readings are widely spread
Suggested Solution
1. Check the insulation tape around the photosensors and 45º mirror
which masks ambient light is in place and recalibrate.
Can Not Get K Value Into The Green Zone
This happens either due to 45º mirror misalignment relative to the photo
sensors, or there is a large background light falling on the centre
photosensor or the light level of the LED has fallen since calibration due to
a number of issues including accelerated aging due to LED being over
Suggested Solution:
1. Check the drive current % is not greater than 35%. This can be
checked by running a self test prior to new calibration, the resulting
print out should indicate the drive current at the time of last calibration.
Check the LED light levels have not fallen since last calibration. Current
values at best K should be compared to those at calibration, which can
be referred from the original calibration data either stored in the