Intellipuff Service Manual
Page 35 of 51
Issue D 27/02/2014
Rear Cover Assembly
Carefully unplug 2 off white ribbon cables connecting the rear cover to the
Handset PCB.
Unplug the 6 way connector from the front panel to the Handset PCB.
Replacement is the reverse of the above ensuring that the moulding sits
inside the case half moulding.
Remove the Valve/Reservoir Assembly
Press the ring on the tube connector from the valve to the mainframe and
carefully pull the tube out from the connector
Remove the spring clip holding the coil onto the valve and remove the coil.
Press the ring where the 4 mm air tube goes into the connector on each of the
air tubes at the umbilical end of the reservoir and remove the tubes
Replace the Valve and Reservoir Assembly
Carefully reconnect the 2 off 4 mm air tubes to the connector on the umbilical
end of the reservoir
Refit the coil to the valve and replace the spring clip
Carefully refit the 4 mm air tube from the mainframe to the valve block by
passing it between the tags on the coil.
Remove Mainframe and PCB Assembly
The valve and reservoir assembly should be removed before removing the
mainframe and PCB assembly.
Carefully remove the tape securing the cables to the mainframe. Do not touch
the tape below the mod record label. This shields the photosensors from
stray light.
Disconnect the 12 way connector from the PCB