3” to 3-3/4" back from the leading edge of the wing, measured at the fuselage sides.
For test-flying we suggest you start with the C/G in the middel of the range /3” to 3-1/8”), then move it farther back as you
become familiar with the flying characteristics of the airplane.
Normal - Flying
5/8” up / down
5/8” up / down
1 - 1/4” right / left
Einstellwerte für Schwerpunkt und Ruderausschläge
Control throws
95 mm hinter der Vorderkante der Nasenleiste,
für den Erstflug empfehlen wir 77
80 mm.
+ 15mm
+ 15
+ 25
+ 20mm
+ 25mm
+ 35
Center of Gravity Location:
Sichern Sie nach dem Einstellen der Ruderausschläge die Gabelköpfe gegen aufgehen, durch aufschieben eines 6mm langen Stücks,
We do not suggest increasing the control throws beyond the recommended aerobatic-flying settings
unless you are a very proficient flyer. Higher control
throws will cause the airplane to be extremely control-sensitive
and result in a possible crash if you are not careful.
Aerobatic - Flying
3/4” up / down
1” up / down
1~1/2" right / left
Fliegen der Decathlon
Flying the Decathlon
Take off
Beim Start ist der Geradeauslauf durch das Zweibeinfahrwerk nicht so Problemlos, wie Sie es eventuell von Modellen mit Dreibeinfahrwerk
gewohnt sind. Falls Sie mit 2-Beinfahrwerken keine Erfahrung haben, wäre für die ersten Starts, ein erfahrener Pilot an Ihrer Seite hilfreich.
Even though the Decathlon has lots of wing area and a low wing loading, it's still important to let the airplane get up
to flying speed before lifting off.
Lifting the airplane off the ground too fast could cause the airplane to stall and crash. You
should allow the airplane to roll out until the tail is completely
off the ground and flying, and then gently pull the airplane off
the ground and into a shallow climb. Be careful not to climb too steeply after take-off.
Because of the torque of the engine, the airplane will have a natural tendency to pull to the left when it is accelerating
down the runway. You will need to
compensate for this by applying and holding right rudder during the take-off roll.
Once the airplane lifts off the ground, you can release the right rudder.
In the Air
Die Decathlon ist ein kunstflugtaugliches Sportflugmodell und kein reiner Trainer. Piloten die bereits etwas Erfahrung im Fliegen von
querrudergesteuerten Modellen haben, kommen mit der Decathlon problemlos zurecht.
In the air the Decathlon is smooth and predictable. It doesn’t have any bad characteristics. If you are accomplished at flying sport airplanes, you should
have no trouble putting the airplane through ist paces. The airplane flies very scale-like and is capable of doing all the same aerobatics as ist full-size
Bedingt durch die geringe Flächenbelastung ergeben sich einfach einzuteilende Landeanflüge und Landungen. Es ist empfehlenswert im
Landeanflug mit etwas Schleppgas zu fliegen und erst kurz vor dem Aufsetzen ganz zu drosseln.
The Decathlon has a lot of wing area and a low wing loading. This results in an airplane that is predictable during
approach and landing. On your initial
upwind leg, reduce power and allow the airplane to begin slowing down. Follow your
normal landing procedure, allowing the airplane to gradually lose
altitude and speed. When turning onto final approach the
airplane should have a slightly nose-down attitude and you should be carrying a small amount
of power.
Just before touch-down, reduce power to idle and let the airplane settle onto the main gear. If you flair too much or try for
a three point landing,
the airplane will have a tendency to balloon up and possibly stall if it's too slow. It's easier, and more
to scale, to fly the airplane in and do a wheel landing.
As always, when landing be careful not to over-control.
Over-controlling leads to excessive oscillations which don't make for good landings.