Prüfen Sie, ob das Servobrett in der abgebildeten Lage in den
Rumpf passt. Nötigenfalls etwas abschleifen und mit dickflüssigem
Sekundenkleber oder 5-Minuten-Epoxi einkleben.
Test-fit the servo tray assembly into the fuselage. Notice that the front
of the servo tray is notched to fit around the center bulkhead.
When satisfied with the fit, glue the servo tray assembly into place using
a generous amount of thick C/A.
Einbau der Drosselanlenkung
Throttle control system installation
Installing the throttle pushrod wire
Bohren Sie zur Durchführung des Gestängeführungsrohres ein
4mm Loch in den Kopfspant.
Diese Bohrung sollte soweit vom
Rumpfboden entfernt sein wie der Drosselhebelarm und 25 - 30mm
Abstand zur Rumpfseitenwand haben. Anschließend das
Führungsrohr einziehen und im Kopfspant verkleben.
Entfernen Sie den Drosselhebel vom Vergaser. Bringen Sie im
Gestängedraht eine Z-Biegung an, hängen den Drosselhebel ein,
schieben den Gestängedraht in das Führungsrohr ein und
montieren den Drosselhebel wieder.
Prüfen Sie, ob der Draht am noch zu montierenden Schalldämpfer
streifen kann. Sollte dies der Fall sein, wird zusätzlich, wie
abgebildet ein „S“ in den Draht gebogen. .
Using a 5/32" diameter drill bit, drill a hole through the firewall for the
throttle pushrod housing. The hole should be located the same height
from the bottom of the fuselage as your engine's throttle arm, but far
enough out from the center of the firewall so that the pushrod housing
doesn't interfere with the fuel tank when it's installed later.
We drilled the hole 1 - 1/8” in from the fuselage side to be safe.
Slide the nylon pushrod housing through the hole so that the end is
flush with the firewall, and glue the housing into place using thin C/A.
Slide the pushrod wire into the pushrod housing and install the
throttle arm onto your engine.
So that the pushrod wire doesn't bind and/or interfere with
your muffler assembly when it's installed later, you may
need to make a bend in the pushrod wire so that it lines
up better with your engine's throttle arm.
Remove the throttle arm from your engine and install the Z-Bend in the
pushrod wire into the outermost hole in the throttle arm.
You may need to enlarge the hole in your engine's throttle arm using a
5/64" diameter drill bit so that the wire will fit.
Installing the throttle pushrod wire
Montieren Sie den Gestängeanschluß außen auf einem langen
Servohebel mit 4 Bohrungen.
Using a modeling knife, cut away all but one arm from a large "4-point"
servo horn.
Enlarge the outermost hole in the servo arm using a 5/64" diameter drill
Install the servo connector onto the servo arm using two flat washers
(one on top of the arm and one on the bottom) and the C-clip provided.
Depending on the thickness of your servo arm, you may need to only
use one flat washer.
Connect your radio system and plug the throttle servo into the receiver. Check to ensure that the throttle servo output shaft is rotating in the correct
direction. When the throttle control stick is moved forward, from the idle to the full throttle position, the servo output shaft should rotate counterclockwise.
If it doesn't, flip the servo reversing switch on your transmitter.