Das Drosselservo am Empfänger anschließen und mit dem
Fernsteuersender den Servoweg einstellen. Das Servo das in den
Endstellungen Vollgas und Leerlauf nicht blockieren. Wenn alles
passt, den Hebel auf dem Servo festschrauben.
After making sure that the carburetor is in the fully closed position, angle
the servo horn back about 45º from center and attach it to the servo
output shaft. The servo connector should be facing the side of the
fuselage, as shown.
While holding the carburetor barrel fully closed, install and tighten
the grub screw in the top of the adjustable servo connector, using the
hex wrench provided.
Use wire cutters to cut away and remove the excess pushrod wire, and
install and tighten the servo horn retaining screw to hold the servo horn
securely to the servo.
Einbau der Höhenruderanlenkung
Elevator & rudder control systems installation
Zusammenbau des Höhenrudergestänges
Assembling the Elevator Pushrod
Bohren Sie wie in der Abbildung gezeichnet, zwei 2mm Löcher mit
90° Versatz in den Balsaholzrundstab.
Using a 5/64" diameter drill bit, carefully drill one hole through each
end of one balsa dowel, 3/4" in from the ends.
Drill the holes perpendicular to each another.
Using a modeling knife, cut a shallow groove from the base of each hole
to the end of the dowel. The grooves should be just large enough for the
pushrod wires to fit firmly into them when they are installed later.
Bohren Sie beide Löcher
parallel zueinander
Drill hole perpendicular
to opposite hole
Winkeln Sie die Drähte wie in der Abbildung gezeichnet um 90° ab.
Using a pair of pliers, carefully make a 1/8" long 90º bend in the plain
end of two threaded wires and one 1/8" long 90º bend in one end of one
plain wire.
Screw thread
Prüfen Sie, ob die 3 Gestängedrähte in die Balsastange passen.
Rauen Sie die Gestängedrahtenden mit 220-er-Schleifpapier auf
und kleben diese mit 5-Minuten-Epoxi in den Balsarundstab.
Test-fit the three pushrod wires to the balsa dowel. The plain wire is
installed in one side of the hole in one end of the dowel and the two
threaded wires are installed in each side of the hole in the other end of
the dowel. When positioned properly, the 90º bends should fit firmly in
the holes and the outer edge of the wires should be even with the
surface of the dowel.
When the two threaded pushrod wires are installed, they will form a "Y"
shape, as shown.
When satisfied with the fit and alignment, remove the pushrod wires and
use 220 grit sandpaper to roughen only the gluing surfaces of the wires.
Glue the pushrod wires into place using 5 minute epoxy. Remove any
excess epoxy using a paper towel and rubbing alcohol, and allow the
epoxy to set up before proceeding.