Hardware, manual version 2.9, June 2006
6 Calibration
6.1 General information
The digital-to-analog (DAC) and analog-to-digital (ADC) converters of the
systems are calibrated in factory. According to the regulations for mea-
surement accuracy it is recommended to calibrate the systems in regular time
Please note: On several modules the input or output voltage range is adjust-
able via jumper or DIL switch. After every new setting you have to recalibrate
the ADC/DAC, in order to assure correct measurement results.
Qualified personnel
Programming, start-up and operation, as well as the modification of program
parameters must be performed only by appropriately qualified personnel.
Qualified personnel are persons who, due to their education, experience
and training as well as their knowledge of applicable technical stan-
dards, guidelines, accident prevention regulations and operating condi-
tions, have been authorized by a quality assurance representative at the
site to perform the necessary acivities, while recognizing and avoiding
any possible dangers.
(Definition of qualified personnel as per VDE 105 and ICE 364).
Availability of the
This product documentation and all documents referred to, have always to be
available and to be strictly observed. For damages caused by disregarding the
information in this documentation or in all other additional documentations, no
liability is assumed by the company
Jäger Computergesteuerte Mess-
technik GmbH
, Lorsch, Germany.
The following tools are necessary to calibrate the system:
– a reference voltage source with an accuracy of:
• 30µV for calibration of 16 bit converters
• 100µV for calibration of 12 bit converters
– a digital multi meter with an accuracy of:
• 10µV for calibration of 16 bit converters
• 100µV for calibration of 12 bit converters
– connecting cables from the input/outputs to the reference voltage and to
the measurement device
– adapter board with a connector according to DIN 41612 with 96 pins
– insulated adjusting tools
2. only for modules with trimmers for calibration