Engine Overhaul Manual
Jabiru Aircraft
Pty Ltd
Jabiru 2200 & 3300 Aircraft Engines
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6 7
Dated : 28/10/2014
Issued By: AS
Page: 13 of 201
Reason for Issue
Appendix A Tables Altered. Parts table updated. Table 13: spark plug gap removed. Pushrod cover
circlip installation details added (Section 7.3.4 & Figure 184). Add certification basis notes (Section
2.4). Con rod installation altered (Section 7.1.3). Allowable compression side ring clearance altered
(Table 12). Through bolt installation detail updated (Section 7.8, 7.3.3). Add details for series-wound
alternator (Table 13). Update propeller flange installation details (Section 7.8.16 and Add
details for pistons with valve relief (Section 7.3.1, 7.8)
Ground run-in procedure checklist updated (Section 9.9.10)
Corrections made to Mandatory check and Mandatory replacement items (Section 5.2)
Corrections made to Mandatory Replacement Parts table (Appendix D)
Firing order of distributor caps changed to be looking from flywheel end (Figure 191)
Correction of upper limit main bearing clearance Table 12
Correction of build order for crankcase camshaft assembly 9.9.3 B Build Sheet
– Torque flywheel bolts in one step to value specified in Table 9
2.2 Introduction
This Engine Overhaul Manual has been written to cover the 4-cylinder 2200 and 6-cylinder 3300 Jabiru
engines. Many engine components are common to both engines, for example the cylinders, pistons,
connecting rods etc, as well as many accessories and consequentially the procedures in this Manual
apply equally to both engines.
Before attempting an overhaul the technician must be fully conversant with the appropriate Engine
Instruction & Maintenance Manual and any relevant Service Bulletins, Service Letters or other
manufacturer’s data. Current information is available from the Jabiru Aircraft (Australia) web site –
Overhauls must only be carried out by an approved person. Depending on the country and the
category of the aircraft this may be a Licensed Aircraft Maintenance Engineer, an RA-Aus Level 2 or
equivalent. The responsibility for determining what qualifications are necessary to carry out an overhaul
belongs to the person carrying out the work.
2.3 Applicability
This manual is applicable to all 2200 and 3300 engine models and variants.
2.4 Certification Basis
The 2200C engine is type Certified to the CS-22 Subpart H standard. Various 2200 and 3300 engine
models also comply with the requirements of ASTM F2339.
These standards are not equivalent to FAR 33 or CS-E: CS-22 Subpart H and ASTM F2339 are
simplified engine design standards designed to be suitable for small aircraft with up to two seats
certified using CS-22, CS-VLA or similar design standards.
In all cases, participants in these categories accept that the aircraft, engines and propellers are not
manufactured to the same standards as aircraft in normal categories and that different reliability
expectations apply.
2.5 Reading This Manual
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To do the same thing on a modern laptop either plug in a wheel mouse as detailed above or use the
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reverse, put two fingers on the pad at opposite diagonal points on the pad and bring them together
diagonally. This works on most modern PC-laptops.
This document has been created with hyperlinks between referenced items. So, when reading the
manual on a computer you can click on the page number of an item on the table of contents and the
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the “5.9” and automatically skip to that page. Similarly, if Figures or Tables are referenced.