Engine Overhaul Manual
Jabiru Aircraft
Pty Ltd
Jabiru 2200 & 3300 Aircraft Engines
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6 7
Dated : 28/10/2014
Issued By: AS
Page: 102 of 201
the clearance between bearing and journal is the critical thing and must be in the range given in Table
12. If the clearance is too large then in some cases the bearing can be carefully sanded by rubbing the
ends of the bearing shells on a sheet of 600 grit sandpaper laid on a flat surface
– though bearing crush
must be maintained. If the clearance is too small a different shell or rod may be tried which gives a
better fit.
It is imperative that these tolerances are achieved.
Figure 119
– Polishing Little End
Clean the bearing shells and connecting rods carefully before final fitting. Clean the cap screws and the
in the bearing caps using a 5/16” tap, then Loctite 7471 cure accelerator and allow to dry.
Weight of reciprocating parts must be as detailed in Section Extra care must be taken if a
partial set of pistons are to be fitted
– i.e. 1 new piston to an engine. In this case the weight of the new
piston must be compared to to the weight of the existing pistons.
7.1.3 Assemble
Figure 120
– Fit Connecting Rods
Fit the bearing shells to each connecting rod and it’s respective bearing cap: apply a smear of Nulon
L90 to the bearing surface and the journal and fit the rod and bearing cap to the crankshaft with the
Polish the little end to fit
Mark each connecting rod with the journal/cylinder
number for later refitting. Remember that oil pressure is
directly controlled by the sum of the bearing clearances,
so take the extra time to obtain uniform clearances
across all connecting rod/big end journal combinations.
Remove the bearing shells and check the blue on the
back for contact
– there must be at least 90% surface
contact between the back of the bearing shell and the
connecting rod.
Check the clearance of the gudgeon pins in the small
end of each connecting rod. It may be necessary to
polish the small end hole with a polishing burr in a
Dremel tool or similar to get a smooth hand fit for each
gudgeon pin. Clean the small end of the connecting rod
and the gudgeon pin thoroughly after any polishing
Care must be taken that the fit does not become too
Fit the connecting rod
Check for ease of rotation