Installation and Operation Manual
Installation, Operation, and Specifications
© 2015 Imagine Communications Corp.
Proprietary and Confidential.
Version 2.8 | Page 37
Reinsert the module.
Install the new module software using the Selenio user interface.
Remove the module, and then return
Switch 1
to the
Reinsert the module.
The module is now running the new software.
License Keys
To add license keys to an FS1or XD1 module, select the
tab in the user interface, select
and then click
License Key Activation
. From the licensing table, select the module you
wish to change, enter the license key, and then click
. The new options will be available
momentarily. (FS1 and XD1 modules do not require a reboot after a license key installation.)
Accessing MIBs
MIB files for all modules can be downloaded directly from any Selenio frame. MIBs are generated on a
per-device basis. For example, if there are seven FS1 modules in a frame, only one of the seven 7 MIBs is
required, assuming all of the modules are using the same version of software. If the frame includes
multiple modules of the same type, but different software versions, the module with the latest version
should be used to generate the MIB.
If an older MIB is used with newer firmware (for example, an older version of firmware was used instead
of the latest firmware), the new parameters added to the new version will not be available on the MIB,
and thus, will not be accessible via the MIB.
Before downloading module MIBs, you must first download the InfrastructureNetwork.mib file. Copy
the following into a browser to access the InfrastructureNetwork.mib:
http://<IP address>/InfrastructureNetwork.mib
<IP address>
is that of the primary controller in the frame
Once any MIB file is downloaded from the frame, you should rename it immediately to prevent
To download a specific module MIB file, copy this line into a browser:
http://<IP address>/mib/slot<slot#>/snmp.mib
IP address
> is that of the primary controller in the frame
is the slot in the frame, as seen from the front
Accesses the controller MIB from frame